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Kimberly's 2023 Agenda

Kési Felton

Kimberly Haase believes in working alongside the community to help empower the community through equitable opportunities.

Here are her priorities for the 2023 election – developed with the support of community members, residents, local business owners, and supporters alike who shared their concerns and ideas in our recent community poll; along with the priorities shared in the Cobb County Strategic Plan and ​​City of Acworth’s Comprehensive Plan:

Empowerment & Equity

With a population that is comprised of 52 percent women and 48 percent men – along with transplants, people of color, and younger residents – Kimberly already reflects Acworth’s community today. As Alderwoman, she hopes to ensure the voices, experiences, and concerns of all members of our community are reflected in the City Hall during Regular Board Meetings, city planning sessions, and development meetings.

Connecting Community

41 percent of respondents to our recent community poll chose Quality of Life as a primary issue of concern. People want to connect, especially after COVID-19, and have a healthy experience with family, friends, neighbors, and the broader surrounding community in public spaces. In addition to the fun and exciting events put on by departments such as Parks and Recreation, Kimberly hopes hope to work within the Board of Aldermen to incorporate additional events, programs, and initiatives to bring people together and work together to cultivate our city’s culture and think forward to a sustainable future. Some specific ideas include:

  • Community Engagement through cultural and recreational activities that bring diverse residents together culturally and intergenerationally.

  • Public Safety programs including community policing initiatives.

  • Improved Communications from City Officials and Elected Officials to ensure residents are informed of resources, services, and opportunities available to them.

Controlled Growth

41 percent of respondents to our recent community poll also say their primary issue of concern is related to Zoning and Development. As a local business owner, member of Acworth and Kennesaw Business Associations, and recent Steering Committee member of Acworth’s 2022 Comprehensive Plan, Kimberly is committed to including, uplifting, and representing the people of Acworth’s voices in future conversations and decisions about the growth and development of our city.

Along with infrastructure management, Kimberly believes in prioritizing features like sidewalks for safety along major roads, affordable housing, traffic management for residents – over 70 percent of whom commute to work outside the city, and environmental sustainability as our city continues to grow and flourish.

Supporting Local and Small Businesses

Small businesses are a crucial part of Acworth’s local culture, and our community wouldn’t be the same without the passionate and hardworking people who decided to step out on an idea or act on a desire to serve others with their unique gifts and talents

Kimberly's plan is to keep Acworth's unemployment low by welcoming locally-owned businesses that will continually grow a diverse demographic of business owners and employees. To accomplish this, she will support programs, initiatives, and policies that...

  • Ensure current and future locally-owned businesses feel welcomed and heard.

  • Help businesses stay open and retain workers.

  • Support businesses' growth and success with collaborative, creative, and innovative solutions.

  • Collaborate with businesses on creative strategies to ensure they are reflecting the changing preferences and behaviors of the communities they serve.

  • BringBringing Back the Basics with Localized Sourcing.

Stormwater Management & Infrastructure

Kimberly is committed to working with city and county-wide offices to support existing priorities of maintaining and repairing aging infrastructure to prevent or mitigate stormwater damage and flooding impacts.

For example, in Commissioner Lisa Cupid’s recent town hall meetings, she shared the County’s plan for the Cobb County Water System (CCWS) and potential Stormwater Utility Fee that is currently being considered as a separate fee from water and sewer fees that currently cover stormwater management. Learn more about the County’s research and plans here.

The Acworth Stormwater Ordinance Code outlines stormwater user fee charges for property owners within the city. These fees are used to fund stormwater management services and are structured based on different customer classes and property characteristics. Here's a breakdown of the fees:

  1. Single Family Residential (SFR) Customer Class: Single-family residential properties are assigned a fee rate equal to 1.00 ERU (Equivalent Runoff Unit) and are charged at a single ERU rate.

  2. Non-Single Family Residential (NSFR) Customer Class: NSFR properties are billed based on the amount of impervious surfaces on the property. Specifically, they are charged one ERU for each 3,300 square feet (or portion thereof) of impervious surfaces. Fractional ERUs for NSFR properties are rounded to two decimal places. If an NSFR property has less than 1.00 ERU, it is still billed a minimum of 1.00 ERU.

These fees are subject to annual approval by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and are outlined in a fee schedule. The goal is to establish fair and reasonable rates that cover the cost of stormwater management services, including expenses such as debt obligations, operating costs, and capital investments.

It's important to note that fees are applied periodically, typically as part of utility bills, and the property owner is ultimately responsible for payment. Additionally, a late charge of one percent per month may be assessed for delinquent stormwater user fee charges. These fees are a crucial source of revenue to support the maintenance, improvement, and regulation of stormwater management systems and facilities in Acworth, as outlined in the Stormwater Ordinance Code.


What are your thoughts? What else would you like to see prioritized in Acworth city government? Let us know by reaching out here:



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